We thank you for clutter, for mess and for grime, You've kept us in business, and it's been a good time.
So here's to a Christmas with laughter and cheer, And a New Year of skips - we'll be back next year!
1800 GET BIN (08 9331 6916) Time : 7AM to 5PM, MON TO FRI, SAT 8AM to 11AM

How do I know which skip bin size I need?

We are often asked “What size bin should I get” the best way to estimate it is by using the rough guide of images below. Estimating is not easy and we have created this little guide to help you decide.

We always recommend going one size bigger if you’re not sure for 2 reasons:

  1. We often find more to off load than originally thought when we start a clean-up of any sort, the extra space in a bigger bin can always get used.
  2. Most people under estimate the amount they can dispose of from there location. On a regular basis we have clients call us after they have loaded there bin and say, “can you bring me another one, I have filled this one already.”

The money you can save by going to the next size bin is less than an additional $100. But if you have to order another bin the smallest can be an additional $300 plus.

Skip bin sizes are always expressed in cubic metres. The table below shows approximate equivalences of cubic metres to the well-known sizes of a box trailer and a wheelie bin.

Click image to enlarge

Skip Size (cubic metres) Equivalent Number of
Standard Trailers
Equivalent Number of
Wheelie Bins
2m2 (no ramps)

Please note these bins do NOT have drop doors
2 trailers 8 wheelie bins
3m3 (no ramps)

Please note these bins do NOT have drop doors
3 trailers 12 wheelie bins
4 Cubic Metres 4 Std Trailers 16 Wheelie Bins
6 Cubic Metres 6 Std Trailers 24 Wheelie Bins
7.5 Cubic Metres 7.5 Std Trailers 30 Wheelie Bins
9 Cubic Metres 9 Std Trailers 36 Wheelie Bins
12.5 Cubic Metres 12.5 Std Trailers 50 Wheelie Bins
4 cubic meter skip bin6 cubic metre skip bin7.5 m3 skip bins9m bins skips trailors12.5 metre skip bin

Bathroom renovation

You are normally going to be disposing of cabinetry, old shower screen, curtain rail, tiles, toilet and possibly a bath and the packaging that your new materials were shipped in.

We recommend a 4 cubic metre skip bin for small bathroom renovations.

Moving house (small clean-up)

If you are only throwing out general junk items,

We recommend a 4 cubic metre skip bin when moving house and need a ‘small’ clean-up.

Kitchen renovation

Kitchens can vary because of the size of kitchens in houses today. The waste generally consists of cabinetry and bench tops, possibly a stove and dishwasher, floor coverings, wall tiles and packaging that your new materials arrived in.

We recommend a 4-6 cubic metre skip bin for kitchen renovations.

Moving house (large clean-up)

If you are moving house and throwing out furniture or whitegoods, bikes, exercise equipment, as well as general junk items.

We recommend a 6 to 12.5 cubic metre skip when moving house and need a ‘large’ clean-up.

Building or Renovating

Depending of the scale of your job of course, usually this is enough for a small paving job, or a garden renovation where lawn etc is being removed. There is often more waste left over on these types of jobs so a little bigger is always best.

We recommend a 7.5 to a 9 cubic metre skip bin when building or renovating.

Garden clean up

Best choice for a large gardening clean-up. As branches etc don’t often compact well and if your less inclined to cut them all up quite small then this size is the best choice. Read our section about “How to get the most out of your bin hire.”

We recommend a 6 -7.5 cubic metre skip bin with a general garden clean up. This always depends on the garden size of course, for more information call us to get more help..

Deceased estate ( smaller) and building a new extension

This is for your larger renovation, a major garden over haul and new building and or extensions. More commonly there is a lot of foundation work and items to be removed before you can even start. The remaining use is for cut off’s etc for new work going in. Some times we have the unfortunate job of clearing out a loved ones smaller home or unit. This would be ideal suited for this type of job for the unwanted items.

We recommend a 9 or a 12.5 cubic metre skip bin when building a new house extension or cleaning up a deceased estate.

Deceased estate (larger)

If you are clearing out a house completely, you will often require at least a 12.5 cubic metres to remove all the material. Especially if you are relocating a loved one and they have lived in the house for a very long time. Often 2 bins, first bin delivered and then a second possibly smaller one swapped over once the first one is full.

We recommend a 12.5 cubic metre skip bin when cleaning up a larger deceased estate.

Removing lawn or soil projects

It is relatively easy to estimate the quantity. A general rule of thumb how to work out the volume of area to be removed is by multiplying length * width * depth and then multiply again by 1.3 to allow for packing inefficiency.

Note: These bins ordered are specifically sand/soil bins and no other material is to be included.

Excavations are generally not in the shape of a regular rectangle, don’t worry too much about the exact volume, as the packing efficiency is always going to be approximate anyway. Use your best guess as to the dimensions and choose next bin size up if your close to the cubic measure you were going to hire to be safe.

Remember if you are cutting away an area of lawn, you will need to estimate the average depth of cut as well to allow for sand/soil going in the bin with it.

We reccomend a 12.5 cubic metre skip bin when removing lawn or large soil projects.


Step 1 – Multiply length * width * depth to get the volume of the area you are demolishing.
Step 2 – Multiply again by 1.5 to allow for packing inefficiency.

Note: These bins ordered are specifically brick/concrete bins and no other material is to be included.